&n暗她bsp; &化明nbsp; &nbs謝綠p; 南計  技見; &nbs紙計p; &nb訊她sp; &n業師bsp;  著又; TIME robots in World Robot Confe多國rence 2015
World Robot Conference微知 2015 held in the Asia遠車's largest convention center:China N兵玩ational Convention Center on No國事vember 23 to 25. TIME Group 行訊was invited to attend the ev書場ent to show the robot developed b暗動y TIME Group and met with ma電動ny companies, institutes, universities秒匠 and dealers from all over t林了he world.
&nb影視sp; &科算nbsp; &nbs和身p; &nb制錯sp; 作西 &城子nbsp; &n的月bsp; &n花計bsp;  小線;
&nbs人計p; &nbs離技p; 放喝 中暗 &n科匠bsp;  場能; &聽工nbsp; 嗎水  雨東;WELDING ROBOT
&n去又bsp;  農不; &nbs視在p; &nbs數錯p; &笑現nbsp; &得煙nbsp; 著她 &nbs黑聽p;  明場; 事做&n厭很bsp;  吃可; &nbs姐的p; 低件 &生湖nbsp; &n說有bsp;  車匠; &時理nbsp; &nb放遠sp;
&n暗站bsp; &nbs民做p; 你對 &外技nbsp; &信土nbsp; &n長計bsp; &nbs個家p;  問知; &nbs訊麗p;
&nb影門sp; &nb舊北sp;  服術; &n師費bsp; &n南放bsp;  微用; &nbs月愛p; 醫雪  樹視; &n子哥bsp;
3kg Robot